I wanted to be able to sit down with an experienced eating disorder recovery coach and pick their brain-ask them any and all questions related to eating disorder coaching & setting up a successful business. Thankfully, I found amazing mentors, and have benefitted greatly from business coaching. My mentors have helped me to remain calm during busy times and stay spiritually aligned with my mission. I am so thankful that I invested in business consulting, as I have achieved several important milestones with the guidance of my mentors. I am proud to now offer that same assistance to other eating disorder recovery coaches, so that you too, can successfully grow your business.
Assist with social media, mastering consultation calls, writing professional emails, finding new clients, and connecting with other professionals
Answer specific questions about setting up your business
Assist with challenging client situations from an experienced coaching perspective
Yes! All sessions are conducted virtually.
Come to our meetings with questions prepared, ready to take a lot of notes!
Absolutely! I am happy to answer any questions related to getting set up. In fact, I think it's great to have questions answered before starting your business.